Law enforcement officers provide traffic safety tips ahead of busy travel weekend
“If you’re going to travel, leave ahead of time,” Bibb County Sheriff’s Office Maj. Brad Wolfe said. “Leave sooner than you usually do to prepare for that traffic congestion.”

MACON, Georgia (41NBC/WMGT) – More people on the roads for the Independence Day travel weekend means an increased risk of danger.
“If you’re going to travel, leave ahead of time,” Bibb County Sheriff’s Office Maj. Brad Wolfe said. “Leave sooner than you usually do to prepare for that traffic congestion.”
Maj. Wolfe and Cpl. Jason Stone with Georgia State Patrol say residents can expect to see an increase in law enforcement patrols this weekend.
Stone says if you’re in an accident and not seriously injured, try to move your car out of traffic to avoid further injuries or damage to your vehicle. If you have vehicle issues while on the road, you can reach the Georgia Department of Transportation’s by calling 511.
According to both the Bibb County Sheriff’s Office and Georgia State Patrol, drinking and driving is one of the biggest issues during this holiday weekend each year.
If you’re planning on drinking, make sure you have a designated driver.
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