Zack Snyder reveals WB never wanted the Flash’s time travel in ‘Justice League’

The much-anticipated Zack Snyder’s Justice League has been finally released. It has got mostly positive reactions from the critics and fans alike. Spoiler Alert! one of the key moments from the movie was Ezra Miller as the Flash running back in time using his true power. However, the director now discloses that Warner Bros. Studios did not want it.

Zack Snyder reveals WB never liked Flash’s Justice League time travel

In a recent interview with Yahoo, Zack Snyder was asked about Flash’s Justice League time travel sequence. He said that Warner Bros. Studios was always doubtful of letting him show the character using the speed force. The filmmaker stated that it was always a “bone of contention” with the company. Snyder mentioned that they didn’t want Barry Allen running back through time. However, he confirmed that it was always the way he intended to end his Justice League cut.



As everyone knows, the theatrical version of Justice League eliminated the entire sequence. It was after Warner Bros brought Joss Whedon to complete the movie, resulting in a whole new film. In the climax of the theatrical cut, the Flash was seen helping people who use to live at the place capture by Steppenwolf. He did not have much effect in the final battle against the villains.

On the other hand, in the Snyder Cut, Barry Allen had a big character development from a boy learning about his powers to getting to know them truly. He gets shot by a parademon and fails to give Cyborg the lightning strike on time. It results in the mother boxes being activated and Earth ready to be captured by Darkseid. All the superheroes die from the blast, but then the Flash stops the time, uses the speed force, and reverses everything. In the end, he saves everyone, becoming a pivotal member of the League, “one of the best of the best” as he says.

Ezra Miller as Barry Allen / The Flash is among the most changed characters between Whedon’s and Zack Snyder’s Justice League. He earned immense praise for the latter as a far superior hero. Fans are waiting to see how the makers will now use the character in the upcoming solo film.


Promo Image Source: A Still from Zack Snyder’s Justice League



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