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For many of us, traveling is one of the greatest joys that life has to offer. When you open yourself up to new cultures, spend time soaking up the sun, and experience a wide range of scenery and landscapes, you find yourself becoming happier and more well-rounded.

Of course, when we have commitments in life and financial obligations, traveling the world for extended periods of time becomes more difficult.

However, if you’re looking to spend more time on the move, enjoying a more nomadic lifestyle rather than just a two-week holiday, then you might need to make some larger life adjustments.

So, if you’re a travel lover who wishes they didn’t have to return home so often, then here are just three ways that you can travel more.

1) Work On the Move

When you can work while you travel, there’s no reason to return to the monotony of the 9 to 5.

If the pandemic taught us anything, it’s that the office isn’t the be all and end all, and many careers can be carried out just as efficiently from a remote set up. Speak to your boss and see if you can come up with an arrangement that will let you travel the world while you work.

Alternatively, many careers can be undertaken on a freelance basis. Platforms such as Freelancer allow you to connect with prospective clients. It can take time to build up a respected name for yourself, but if you can prove that you’re reliable and talented, you’ll be able to generate a strong client base.

2) Opt for Distance Learning

Many young people have to decide whether to put their education on hold in order to travel, often putting them behind their peers and pushing back their ten-year plans.

However, with distance learning, you can take your education on the move. When you can take your education with you, there’s no need for your gap year to set you back.

Expert distance learning providers, such as Anglia Ruskin University, allow you to study on a schedule that suits your needs, from anywhere in the world.

As long as you have access to the internet, you can submit your assignments, connect with your peers and tutors, and work towards the career of your dreams.

3) Rent Out Your Home

One of the biggest concerns that many of us have when we travel for an extended period, is ensuring that we have a regular income to support us.

If you want to spend more time traveling, then consider renting out your home while you’re away. Depending on the popularity of where you live, you could generate enough income to not only cover your bills, but also fund your travels.

Just ensure that you have someone available to service your home between visits and keep an eye on the condition of the property.

What steps have you taken to spend more time travelling? Share your tips in the comments below.

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