How The Tomorrow War’s Time Travel Works


Greetings readers and fellow time travel enthusiasts, and welcome back to the lab! Last week, we tackled the timely subject of how The Adam Project’s time travel works, which was a handful that involved the fun and joy of parallel contact with one’s younger self. Since the world of streaming has been good to us chronological explorers lately, it felt like a good time to jump into some of the case studies that have stacked up on my desk. For this week, it’s time to take a trip into Prime Video and Paramount’s The Tomorrow War’s rather unique handling of temporal displacement. 

If you haven’t seen Chris Pratt’s big time travel war story, then you should probably watch it before we dive in. Should you not have a Prime Video subscription, you might want to look into that if this story sounds like it’s your thing. Judging by the fact that you’re here, it feels like it would be. All prepared to step into the future, follow me, as we’re about to travel from here to there in the then and now, in order to fight The Tomorrow War

A ravaged Miami Beach in The Tomorrow War.

(Image credit: Skydance/Paramount/Prime Video)

The Time Travel in The Tomorrow War


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